IPACK-IMA is the exhibition organized by Ipack Ima Srl, joint venture between UCIMA (Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association) and Fiera Milano.
Ipack Ima srl is one of the most important trade fair organizers of B2B events dedicated to processing and packaging, among which IPACK-IMA and MEAT-TECH. The partnership between the leading European exhibition organizer and the main trade association in the industry of packaging has a strong strategic value and marks the beginning of a phase of further development and internationalization for the exhibition. The shows also leverage UCIMA’s international relation network as well as the planning and operational support provided by its member companies, giving rise to specialized events in line with the expectations of international clients.
Ipack Ima srl Ethical Code
Ipack Ima srl undertakes to act ethically in all aspects of its business, maintaining the highest standards of honesty and integrity according to the attached Ethical Code which defines the set of values that the Company recognizes, accepts and shares and the whole of the responsibilities it assumes internally and externally.
The compliance of Ipack Ima employees with this Code is fundamental for the proper functioning, reliability and reputation of the Company, factors that constitute a decisive asset for the success of the company.
Click here and download the Ipack Ima srl Ethical Code.
Click here and download the Management and Control Organization Model
Procedure for handling reports - Whistleblowing
Ipack Ima is committed to improving the current culture of transparency and legality, creating an open and constructive environment in which its employees, collaborators, shareholders, suppliers, customers and, more generally, all Stakeholders, can report, in good faith, any behaviour - commission or omission - carried out in Ipack Ima or in relations with it, that violates (or induces to violate) the applicable regulations, its policies and procedures, the principles and rules of conduct contained in the Code of Ethics and in provisions of Model 231 adopted by the Company, or which may cause economic damage to Ipack Ima itself.
When managing reports, Ipack Ima undertakes to respect the principles of confidentiality, proportionality and impartiality, to recognise the good faith of reporting persons and to guarantee their anonymity. Furthermore, Ipack Ima does not tolerate any form of threat, retaliation or discrimination — actual or attempted — against the parties involved in the reports.
Click here to reach the platform dedicated to whistleblowing reporting.
For any other information, please refer to the Whistleblowing Procedure, available here