Best Packaging 2023 Award kicks off

The Best Packaging Awards 2023 is getting ready to take the stage once again. The competition, of which IPACK-IMA is the main partner, is promoted by the Italian Packaging Institute and every year showcases the best packaging solutions among prototypes, market proposals and novelties yet to be proposed to the industry.
Safety, functionality, ethical and environmental content and technological innovation are the topics that the contest aims to share with the professional public and end consumers, recipients of the best product solutions.
Focusing on Quality Design, the special prizes "Environment" (sponsored by Conai) and "Technology" (supported by IPACK-IMA) are confirmed for 2023.
For the first time, the competition also opens up to start-ups and students, whose participation is supported by the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation. The competition thus opens the doors to the future, also giving space to software, applications, as well as new experimental materials, shapes and ideas.
The award ceremony will be held on 21 April at 11.30 am at Archivolto events, Via Marsala 3, Milan.