The Business Community
The technologies and materials on display are classified into Business Communities which represent the respective target markets. Thanks to the eight communities identified, the interests of exhibitors and visitors are combined in a simple and immediate way.
discover the Business CommunityVisitors at the heart of the event
The BUSINESS COMMUNITIES have been enhanced to suit the needs of visitors: 8 clear business areas will make it easier for visitors to identify relevant technologies and materials, enabling them to meet with regular suppliers and identify new solutions applicable to all production processes.
Opportunity of specialization and technology transfer for the development of new ideas: a unique experience for professionals who strive for excellence.
The food industry
IPACK-IMA has a longstanding leadership position in the food category, thanks to the large range of offerings in this key sector and to the excellence of solutions on display for the food sector.
2018 The FOOD Visitors:
21% Food, Fresh & Convenience
16% Pasta, Bakery & Milling
12% Confectionary
11% Beverage
Countries of origin:
68% Europe
17% Asia
9% North & South America
6% Africa
New classifications:
Food, Fresh & Convenience
Pasta, Bakery & Milling
Sweets, Confectionery & Snacks
Liquid Food & Beverage
Non-Food Industry
Solutions for processing & packaging and materials for the Pharma & Nutritional, Chemicals & Home Care, Beauty & Personal Care, Industrial & Durable Goods Industries.
2018 The NON FOOD Visitors:
16% Industrial & Durable Goods
11% Chemicals, Industrial & Home
9% Health & Personal Care
4% Fashion & Luxury
Countries of origin:
68% Europe
17% Asia
9% North & South America
6% Africa
New classifications:
Pharma & Nutritional
Beauty & Personal Care
Chemicals & Home Care
Industrial & Durable Goods
For all the productions
The exhibition offer is completed by materials for wrapping and packaging, as well as transversal technologies such as labeling, coding & tracking, and end of line: solutions applicable to multiple production sector.