Packaging Speaks Green: the agenda takes shape with the partecipation of important international speakers
The event focusing on sustainability in the packaging supply chain will be back in Milan from May 3rd through 6th during IPACK-IMA and GreenPlast.
During IPACK-IMA, the International Forum aims at raising awareness about the real facets of the term green and the applications of the circular economy to the packaging and plastics supply chains that contribute to the production of consumer goods.
With the participation of leading global brands such as Ferrarelle and Nestlè, lecturers and researchers, national and international institutions and consortia, Packaging Speaks Green is drawing up the programme for its third edition.
"Food & beverage", "Pharma, beauty & chemicals" and "Plastics & recycling" will be the specific focuses of the various sessions of the forum.
Panels, debates and case histories with prestigious opinion leaders, industry stakeholders and institutional speakers will characterise this edition which aims to provide new tools and methods for the design, use, recycling and reuse of sustainable packaging.