
Industry 4.0: Ucima certification for companies exhibiting at IPACK-IMA 2022

Ucima offers companies exhibiting at IPACK-IMA a check-up service for machines aimed at issuing the "Ucima 4.0" certificate, to testify to the market that the product is ready to allow buyers to take advantage of the capital goods 4.0 tax credit which, for 2022, is equal to 40% of the value of the asset purchased.


This certification is of interest to all Italian visitors, who could take advantage of the benefit and to whom this certification guarantees, by means of certification, the possibility of use.


Check-Up 4.0 begins with a technical assessment of the machine, to verify that the requirements of the law have been met. If the outcome of the verification is positive, a technical certificate will be issued to the drafting of which the most famous experts in the field collaborate.


The UCIMA 4.0 work team is in fact composed of qualified experts in Industry 4.0, engineers and consultants experienced in processing and packaging technologies, experts in subsidized finance, corporate taxation, legal and contracting.


Welcome customers at the fair with the UCIMA 4.0 certification, ask info to Stefano Lugli - Ucima Technical Office