Life sciences: the future is in Milan from 3 to 6 May

Milan - 3 May 2022. Pharmintech, the trade fair specializing in processing and packaging technologies for the pharmaceutical, para-pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical, nutraceutical, medical device and biotechnology industries, opens its doors today.
For this special edition, Pharmintech is organized by Ipack Ima thanks to the agreement signed with BolognaFiere Group, marking an innovation on the European exhibition scene.
"We are fully satisfied because, from a complex calendar of trade fairs, emerged the opportunity to develop a collaboration that started from the concrete needs of the industry" - states Antonio Bruzzone, General Manager of BolognaFiere. "Pharmintech achieved an unexpected result in terms of quantity and, above all, quality of the exhibition offering, with 287 exhibitors, 31% of whom from 27 countries, including the main market players, offering an interesting and complete technological panorama. This confirms that combining Pharmintech and IPACK-IMA was a winning strategy".
Pharmintech, which is sponsored by Farmindustria and AFI- Pharmaceutical Industry Association, is an important development hub for the entire lifescience sector and a valuable opportunity for technology suppliers and chemical-pharmaceutical industry operators to meet and networking. The exhibition will showcase the most advanced solutions for processing, packaging, instrumentation, cleanrooms and plant management applications, as well as digital and automation technologies applied to the sector, from IoT to Artificial Intelligence and data governance systems.
In addition to the exhibition offer, there will also be a calendar of events aimed at anticipating trends and innovations. Regulatory convergence and, more generally, the 'well-being' industry will be the subject of the opening event " Actuality and Innovation beyond the pharmaceutical world" organized in collaboration with AFI, with which Pharmintech has been working for several editions to coordinate the technical-scientific content. The focus will be on the world of healthcare, including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, dietary supplements and the cosmeceutical market, with particular emphasis on regulatory convergence and supply chain management, and with the presence of Sergio Dompé, Executive President Dompé farmaceutici and President of Pharmintech 2022.
The focus on sustainability in the "Pharma, Beauty & Chemicals" supply chain will be the main theme of "Packaging Speaks Green", the international forum organized by Pack-Media in collaboration with UCIMA and AMAPLAST, which will host the vision of Ancorotti Cosmetics and the point of view of Eguaglia - Industrie Farmaci Accessibili.
The workshop dedicated to smart manufacturing and innovation trends in the pharmaceutical field "Smart Factory: Industry 4.0 applications in parenteral manufacturing", organised by PDA - Parenteral Drug Association, will be held on 5 May. The companies Eli Lilly, Merck, Marchesini, Thermofisher and IMA will take part in it.
Finally, on 6 May, the conference "Change of the paradigm within Medical Device business" proposed by ISPE - International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering in collaboration with Confindustria Dispositivi Medici that will explore the change of paradigm in the medical devices sector, in the light of the new Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) and the new In Vitro Diagnostic Devices Regulation (IVDR).
The life sciences sector is undergoing a period of strong change internationally, according to the Pharmintech Business Monitor. With a jump of 13.3% in 2021, the sector is making a significant recovery from the subdued growth in 2020. Medium-term expectations are for further average annual growth of 6.8% in the period 2022/2025.
PHARMINTECH has been strategically positioned in Hall 2 with the aim of making the most of the specialization in "Pharma & Nutritional", "Beauty & Personal Care" and "Chemicals & Home Care". This positioning aims at enhancing synergies between different exhibition segments and transversality, two features that have always represented IPACK-IMA's competitive advantage.
Pharmintech and IPACK-IMA continue until May 6, 2022, representing the ideal time for international players to discuss innovation and new perspectives from a production and market point of view.
Pharmintech partners powered by IPACK-IMA 2022:
AFI – Associazione Farmaceutici Industria
ISPE Italy Affiliate - International society for pharmaceutical engineering
PDA – Parenteral Drug Association
UCIMA – Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association
Ipack Ima Srl Press office:
Marco Fiori - Mail: Mobile: +39 334 600 7739
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